Our Mission

Our mission at the MKE Studio Tour is to foster a strong connection between Fine Craft Artists from Milwaukee and beyond and their surrounding neighborhoods. We aim to provide the public with an intimate glimpse into the artists' studios and promote Fine Craft fields, as well as emerging and established artists.

Origins of the MKE Studio Tour

The MKE Studio Tour had its humble beginnings in 2018 when Jean Wells and Andrew Linderman started discussing the possibility of an urban studio tour. As the idea continued to percolate in their minds, they began reaching out to others for support, which eventually led to a collaboration with Wisconsin Craft. With their shared passion for promoting Fine Craft fields and local artists, the Studio Tour Committee was formed, bringing together a team of like-minded individuals to turn this vision into a reality.

 The MKE Studio Tour Committee

The MKE Studio Tour Committee is a group of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about promoting fine craft artists in the Milwaukee area. Comprised of Wisconsin Craft members and other professionals, the committee works tirelessly to organize and promote this annual event.

Interested in helping out in the MKE Studio Tour or other Wisconsin Craft events?

The Future of Fine Craft

Wisconsin Craft is a , a non-profit organization that supports and celebrates the work of craft artists in Wisconsin and surrounding areas. Our mission is to provide opportunities for artists to showcase their work, connect with fellow artists, and enhance their skills through exhibitions, events, educational programs, and a supportive community. We organize various events, like the Morning Glory Art Fair, as well as other workshops, and seminars, to support the growth and development of craft artists and to promote the value of fine craft in Wisconsin communities and beyond.