Shelly Rosenquist

Rosenquist Fine Art

Host Artist at 4) Rosenquist Fine Art

Rosenquist is all about pushing the envelope and communicating in fresh ways. Highly influenced by her background as a professional graphic designer, her latest collection of paintings are acrylics on handmade wooden canvases featuring bold black outlines and pops of vibrant color.

Rosenquist believes that the hectic human existence we have created in our society has led us to unintentionally ignore what makes this world a beautiful place. By taking everyday objects and subject matters and recreating them in unique ways, Rosenquist strives for her work to serve as a reminder to rediscover beauty. She creates unexpected moments in every piece ranging from unique angles and color palettes to elements with surprising associations.

Rosenquist amplifies elements of her subject matter and stylizes using brilliant hues and varying linework that ties everything together, creating a cohesive flow that draws you in to every piece.