Peter Froehlich

18six pottery

Guest artist at 8) Over the Hill Pottery


Pete Froehlich is a high school art teacher and potter currently living and making in West Allis, WI. He is beginning a return to showing and selling his work after some time off after moving to Wisconsin from Kansas City. Pete took advantage of his time off from showing and selling to begin an exploration into the purpose and appearance of his work. Froehlich is now emerging with a new focus on making objects that are a part of peoples daily lives, becoming the centerpieces and facilitators in bringing people together in community to share a meal, cup of coffee, and life in an ever changing environment. With this new focus comes a new emphasis in the finishing process through the application of different surface treatments that range from celadon covered slips to the application of underglazes and terra sigillata that provide variations in color. This is done while maintaining a level of simplicity on the surface to let the form of the piece have its own presence. Pete graduated from Concordia University Wisconsin in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science in Art Education and History Education and Ohio University in 2010 with a Master of Science in Athletic Administration. He has previously had work included in several Juried exhibitions throughout the country and most recently a show highlighting the new direction of his work at the CUW Art Gallery.