Jay Arpin

Guest Artist at 6) Cream City Clay


Jay fell in love with Printmaking during my undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He was drawn to the variety, exibility and surprises inherent in the process. His preference for drawing and working in black and white is celebrated in the nuances of cutting the linoleum, etching the plate, applying the ink and pulling the print; the variety in texture, value and contrast that come from black ink on paper is thrilling.

After years of relief printing by hand, He recently took the leap and purchased a small press for his home studio. The press elevated his linoleum prints allowing him to print better and bigger. The press also created the opportunity for him to return to making intaglio prints using an acrylic resist technique for etching.

His work explores themes of nature, portraiture, and time. Currently, he is working on a body of work that examines humanity’s complex relationship with the Industrial Revolution, further technological advancements and the consequences for the future. Embodied in the strong graphic sensibility of his work, are inspirations from music, expressionism, lm noir and comicbook art.

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