Daniela Rumpf

Upham Street Pottery

Guest Artist at 4) Rosenquist Fine Art

Daniela, who was born and raised in Germany, fell in love with making pottery during her first year in college. She ended up studying ceramics and received both a BFA and MFA in sculptural ceramics.

Daniela moved to Madison in 2007 where she has been making pottery in her basement studio as her time allows. Over the past year, she has been able to put more time and focus toward developing her designs and increasing her production. Daniela sells work through her etsy shop and occasionally at local art fairs.

Daniela lives on the east side of Madison with her husband, two children and two cats. When she is not in the studio, she can be found hanging out with her kids, tending to her garden and fruit trees, camping in the family's Scamp trailer or visiting family in Germany.